Social Ethics

Spiritual Satanism is a civilization building, respecting and promoting religion.

For human beings to attain these tasks, one must treat society in a fair and sane way, in accordance to what it does and what it can become.

Socially Spiritual Satanists should participate in society to enjoy it, evolve it and improve their own selves.

Acting against society should only happen in the extremely rare cases where society is beyond repair or has devolved itself to pure evil; even then, the way of action must be for it’s restoration and harmonization, not for “destruction”.

Social destruction is not welcome in Spiritual Satanism, as it represents the destruction of the living organism that human beings have constructed in order to grow and sustain their lives through it.

If society goes down, so does the individual, no matter who they are.

Social creation and advancement is a core aim of Spiritual Satanism. The bonds, unions and a proper conduct in societal affairs, is highly favored and promoted in Spiritual Satanism.

If society goes upwards, so does the individual, no matter who they are.

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Library of Congress Number: 12-16457, CI-476909645 EU Copyright Number

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